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In a previous blog post, we looked at some of the positive effects that meditation can have on mental health. These mental and physical exercises can help improve sleep, manage pain, and strengthen attention. However, there is evidence of even more benefits to meditation, depending on the technique you use. Here is what the science…
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Meditation involves a combination of mental and physical exercises to relax and clear the mind, or improve concentration. Meditation has been practiced in some form, for many purposes, by different cultures for thousands of years. Meditation is now a topic of interest for health providers and anyone interested in improving their wellbeing. But does it…
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For individuals with addictions, recovery supports can have a crucial, beneficial impact. They can help behavioral health clients achieve long-term sobriety, improve their quality of life, and prepare them to meet and overcome the challenges of recovery. BestNotes recently hosted a webinar on addiction and recovery supports with Dr. Michael M. Miller, a Distinguished Fellow…
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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common mental disorder that affects about 8.4 percent of children and 2.5 percent of adults. In children, the condition is characterized by inability to focus, excessive movement that is inappropriate to the situation, and impulsive actions. Individuals may not recognize the symptoms of adult ADHD until later in life, but…
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Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that interferes with the way a person perceives reality. It may include hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking or behavior. These symptoms can vary over time, and some people with schizophrenia may have more severe symptoms than others. Individuals may struggle with daily functioning, and sometimes the condition can be…
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Incorporating family members in your behavioral health clients’ treatment journey can have significant benefits. Research has found that family involvement could lead to: Better patient outcomes, such as fewer relapses and better treatment compliance Reduced residual psychotic and deficit symptoms Reduced depression severity Improved quality of life and reduced social impairment Better access to mental…
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Spring has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing plans for summer vacation and saying goodbye to winter blues. However, even warmer seasons can bring some mental health concerns. Learn what some of these are, and how to help more vulnerable clients. Social pressure and comparisons can be hazardous. There’s a lot of pressure to have…
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Substance misuse disorders, from alcohol to stimulants, remain a growing public health issue in the United States. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, many locations saw an increase in drug use and overdoses. Law enforcement, lawmakers, healthcare providers, nonprofits, and concerned citizens have been attempting to curb this problem at all levels. Many abused substances,…
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Utah faces many behavioral health challenges similar to other predominantly rural states in the nation, such as limited health services and high substance abuse rates. Check out this news roundup for a look at significant behavioral health issues in Utah and the efforts to address them. Utah Mental Health Declines Data from the most recent…
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As a provider of electronic health record software, BestNotes is always on the lookout for ways to help our customers provide better care to their patients. Recently, the New Jersey Innovation Institute (NJII) launched a new program aimed at promoting interoperability in SUD treatment. The Substance Use Disorder Promoting Interoperability Program (SUD-PIP) is designed to…
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