If you’re a behavioral health or addiction treatment professional who’s frustrated with your electronic health record (EHR) software, you’re definitely not alone. While EHR use has expanded nationwide, many clinicians continue to find them frustrating to use.
Provider complaints about many EHR systems include a lack of interoperability, limited functionality, poor usability, and low personalization. Add in the frustrations of meeting regulatory requirements, and many behavioral health providers are saying goodbye to their job satisfaction.
Research Into Provider Burnout
According to this study, 21-67% of mental health workers will at one time experience high levels of burnout. The reasons for burnout include: too many patients at a time, insurance regulations and guidelines to comply with their company or government.
In addition, government rules and regulations continually change. All of these regulations can leave clinicians unable to give patients the best care possible. As a result, they may feel powerless and stop trying.
Frustration and Burnout Has Extensive Effects
Research has already shown that the effects of burnout can impact patients, as well. A 2018 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association found that patient satisfaction declines when providers are dissatisfied with their EHR and struggle to incorporate it into their patient care.
Besides that, provider burnout in general can be harmful for organizations and patients, as well as the individual provider. Burnout has been shown to increase the risk of:
Medical errors that could harm patients
Addiction, suicidal ideation, and other mental health symptoms caused by stress in providers
Staff turnover and low productivity, which increase costs
At BestNotes, we can’t control all the factors that contribute to clinician and administrative burnout. But we can put our resources into developing an EHR system that helps reduce the reasons for burnout. As a result, we offer benefits like:
Time-saving customization options that also protect patient safety by improving clinical workflows to reduce medical errors and support clinical decision-making
Keeping track of CARF, Joint Commission, federal, and state documentation requirements and updating BestNotes according to the most recent regulatory changes—so you don’t have to
Smoother, faster admissions by including a patient portal that allows clients to quickly and efficiently submit information for automatic uploading to your system
Easier outcomes tracking that helps you meet value-based care initiatives
The goal of any EHR solution is to help providers serve their patients and make processes more efficient. If your organization is struggling with an inefficient workflow, your EHR may have a built-in solution. Providers and behavioral health executives should contact their vendors to discuss a better solution.
Looking to implement a new EHR solution in your behavioral health or addiction treatment facility? Contact BestNotes today to learn more or schedule a demo.