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Workplace wellness programs have gotten a lot of attention in recent years. Research shows healthier, happier employees can improve productivity and lower costs. Most workplace wellness programs, however, tend to focus exclusively on physical health. In fact, behavioral health factors can have just as much of an impact on employee and workplace health. Here’s how…
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Value-based care has gained traction in recent years, and it is expected to be a significant trend in the global healthcare market in 2019. Compared to other specialties, behavioral health has been slow to adopt a value-based payment (VBP) model. As mental and behavioral health draws more attention and addiction-treatment needs persist, providers must prepare…
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Many people use the terms electronic medical record (EMR), electronic health record (EHR), and personal health record (PHR) interchangeably. This can confuse patients, consumers, and even regulators. Although an EMR, an EHR, and a PHR are very similar in practice, there are some differences in how the terms are used. Similarities Among EMR, EHR, and…
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From medication-assisted treatment (MAT) availability to opioid alternatives, there have been numerous recent stories and studies involving substance abuse and addiction treatment in Idaho. Here’s are the stories making headlines in the state in recent weeks. Idaho Medical School Emphasizes Opioid Alternatives Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine in Meridian, the state’s first medical school, is…
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Behavioral health and addiction treatment providers face many complexities. Clients often present with a variety of concurrent conditions. Treatment plans may involve multiple providers recommending various long-term solutions. This can also make documentation and billing more complex for behavioral health and addiction treatment. Additional complications come from the use of multiple documentation codes. This primarily…
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The SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, and plan) note is one of the most commonly used forms of documentation in the healthcare industry today. Changing needs and increasing complexity in medical care have prompted questions about SOAP’s ongoing relevance. With the appropriate EHR integration, SOAP remains useful for current healthcare needs. History and Origins of the…
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Healthcare leaders frequently use the term “population health management,” despite persistent confusion about what it means and how it is applied. Here we offer the basics of population health management and what it means for your behavioral health practice. What is population health management? Despite its widespread use, many experts disagree on the precise definition…
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Not all electronic health record (EHR) software solutions are created equal. As a substance abuse professional, you should be able to choose a software solution that has your specialty and facility’s specific needs in mind. Here are six things to look for in a substance abuse EHR: 1. Designed for Substance Abuse Substance abuse professionals…
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When addiction treatment professionals are able to follow a client from intake through different services and treatments to an outcome, they are said to be following a “Golden Thread” of information. This Golden Thread should be able to “pull” relevant client data from one service or stage of treatment to the next. Proper documentation and…
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Sending offenders to rehab instead of prison could have numerous benefits, some research suggests. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation may provide some relief for the ongoing opioid crisis, prison overpopulation, and rising government debt. Drug rehab and addiction treatment for offenders saves money for communities and individuals. An estimated 50 percent of the U.S. prison population…
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